Author: Tia Lush

  • STEM HQ ‘Discovery Centre’ now open in Tauranga’s CBD

    STEM HQ ‘Discovery Centre’ now open in Tauranga’s CBD

    The 1st of October saw us open our doors to our community and visitors to Tauranga. Our first week has seen a total sell out with well over 1,300 tickets snapped by families taking advantage of the glorious spring weather during the school holidays and the great location close by the City’s picturesque waterfront. STEM…

  • STEM at the Waterfront Event Postponed

    STEM at the Waterfront Event Postponed

    STEM at the Waterfront Event Postponed until Further Notice. It is with much regret that circumstances beyond our control has meant that we have to postpone the event scheduled for Sunday 4th October 2020 at Tauranga’s waterfront. The good news is that, STEM HQ will be open during the school holidays, so please do click here…

  • Free STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Centre Opens In Tauranga CBD

    Free STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Centre Opens In Tauranga CBD

    Updated 21 September 2020 – FREE tickets for STEM HQ ‘Discovery Centre’ now available online for October sessions! STEM Wana Trust with support from Downtown Tauranga’s Activate Vacant Spaces scheme opens an exciting dedicated FREE to enter science, technology, engineering and mathematics ‘discovery’ centre within Tauranga’s city centre. The Mainstreet Tauranga Activate Vacant Spaces team…

  • STEM Wana at Canvas Careers Expo

    STEM Wana at Canvas Careers Expo

    On Friday 7th August and Saturday 8th August, STEM Wana were delighted to have taken part in the Bay of Plenty’s biggest careers event. It was so great to see Durham Street in Tauranga’s CBD once again buzzing and used in the same format as our award winning Tauranga STEM Festival in 2019. STEM Wana…

  • ASCII Binary Coding

    ASCII Binary Coding

    Each letter of the alphabet is represented by eight “bits”, which is a unit called a “byte”. For each letter, space, and punctuation of the code, we have a different byte. Question: The binary below is 15 bytes long – 12 letters, 2 spaces, and 1 punctuation mark. 01010111 01100101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101…

  • STEM Explorer Trail & STEM HQ

    STEM Explorer Trail & STEM HQ

    STEM Explorer Trail A STEM adventure that explores our community and city with hands-on, interactive STEM challenges located throughout the CBD. Quizzes, puzzles and tasks are waiting to be unlocked and solved at your own pace individually, with friends or the entire whānau. This project is being developed and delivered by the YouthDev team. Want…

  • YouthDev Challenge

    YouthDev Challenge

    Bringing together aspiring coders and designers to work alongside experienced mentors to collaboratively design, build, and implement a STEM Explorer website/app for use by our community. This programme is currently underway. It’s being led by Kelly Williams and a team of mentors.

  • 2020 STEM Initiative Officially Launched!

    2020 STEM Initiative Officially Launched!

    Friday 24th July saw STEM Wana Trust officially launch our exciting New Zealand STEM Initiative to our sponsors, friends, and collaborators. The event was held in the Babbage Space at our spiritual home at Basestation, Tauranga – Bay of Plenty. Guests came from all sectors and industries and were given a small teaser of what…

  • A programme of STEM engagement for 2020

    A programme of STEM engagement for 2020

    2020 STEM Initiative is a year programme of STEM activations and engaging events, culminating in a celebratory interactive STEM Explorer Trail to be held across the heart of Tauranga’s CBD. Conversations in STEM YouthDev Challenge STEM Curiosity Day STEM Explorer Trail (STEMFest re-imagined) STEM HQ Sponsorship is now open!

  • STEMFest scoops TECT Community Award for Event Excellence

    STEMFest scoops TECT Community Award for Event Excellence

    STEM Wana Trust were honored to be nominated along with several amazing organisations:  Katikati Festival of Cultures, Pasifika in the Bay Festival, Tauranga Fringe Village Festival, and Tarnished Frocks and Divas for the TECT Community Event Excellence Award 2020. TECT Community Awards Event Excellence WINNER – Tauranga STEM Festival from TECT on Vimeo. Read the…

  • Conversations in STEM

    Conversations in STEM

    Making STEM entertaining. Learn, laugh, and converse with some of the most respected STEM heroes in their field. Hosting conversations that will bring everyone to the table to make big ideas and topics fun and easy to participate in. May 2020 – A Conversation with Professor Chris Lintott. Professor of Astrophysics and Citizen Science Lead at…

  • STEM Curiosity Day

    STEM Curiosity Day

    “Inspire, engage, empower youth and educators in STEM!” Free event will take place on Wednesday 9th December, 2020. Reimagined for COVID-19 Level 1 & 2 Compliance STEM Curiosity Day is a day long event for schools and home-schooled students to immerse themselves in STEM challenges, activities and games in a fun and exciting environment. Theme:…