STEMFest is back!

The multi-award winning celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics will be back in Tauranga on Sunday 28th September 2025.

Inspiring a new generation of Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, and Mathematicians (STEM) through our initiatives.

Maker Festival (Makerfest)

MakerFest will bring together people with diverse interests and backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and community and provide a supportive environment for makers to thrive. The first event will be held in October 2026.

Tauranga STEM Festival (STEMFest)

STEMFest is an award winning event that welcomes 6,000+ visitors to Tauranga’s CBD. With over 50+ exhibitors, STEMFest is the biggest STEM Festival in the Southern Hemisphere and returns in September 2025.

Tinkd Makerspace

A part of the global maker movement to empower people with knowledge, creativity, technology and skills necessary for a sustainable future. Tinkd is also home to Tauranga Repair Café a free monthly event where broken items and volunteers (who know how to fix things) come together and give objects destined for the landfill a second chance.

STEM in the Community

STEM Outreach

Delivering STEM outreach and activities. For communities: making STEM subjects accessible by partnering with subject matter experts as part of a series of events. For schools: partnering with experienced content providers we collaborate with primary schools to deliver project based STEM learning for teachers, students and their whānau.

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