Our Board of Trustees provide governance, guidance, and support to the Operational Team.
The Board is supported by an independent Advisory Group with leading industry partners and stakeholders.

Hoarder of stationery.
Tia Lush
A graphic designer and technologist with a passion for inspiring young people and their families through shared learning experiences.
In 2016, Tia founded and co-organised the first ever (and subsequent) STEM festivals in the City of Peterborough, UK. The Peterborough STEM Festival is now in its fifth successful year and continues to grow in impact and strength. Tia has replicated the success in Tauranga with the first ever STEMFest NZ welcoming over 3,500 visitors to the CBD in October 2019.
Tia immigrated to NZ with her family in 2017 and settled on the sunny shores of Tauranga. She’s been thrilled to have met so many likeminded people who share the same passion for working with young people and driving change for the good. When she’s not organising STEM festivals, Tia loves working with companies and individuals on creating brand identity, marketing, and design projects.
Visit www.whoatemycrayons.com for all things design related. You can read more about Tia’s story from Peterborough to Tauranga.

In charge of bulk buying.
Steven Vincent
Steven is a Chartered accountant and technologist specialising in business systems & processes.
His key focus is promoting the use of Open Source software in business, education & non-profit sectors, as a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to proprietary applications through TechnologyWise.
Steven is also a co-Director of TechnologyWise, Basestation, and co-founder of Venture Centre.
In the very little spare time he has, Steven likes to run marathons and tinker with cool tech, although not at the same time. Steven is the Founder and driving force behind our latest project Tinkd Makerspace.

Can we afford that?
Amanda Crowther
Amanda is an organiser, a communicator, a planner, and educator. Her career in technology started in the UK as a software trainer and facilitator nearly 20 years ago, roles which taught her the value of communication. Following the urge to plan and organise things, she moved into a Business Analyst role, and from there into Product Management. Amanda returned home to New Zealand in 2016, and has settled in the beautiful Bay of Plenty.
In an alternate life Amanda would have been an astronaut or possibly a rocket scientist. Unfortunately, she didn’t discover her love of space and science until she was already a good way into adulthood.
One of the things she loves about STEMFest is that it enables children and young people to discover the amazing world of STEM, and widen their horizons and their dreamscapes. So that they can be the next astronauts or rocket scientists… the possibilities are endless!

I bake, therefore I am.
Erin Nicholson
Erin is Tauranga born, bred and proud to live in the most beautiful city on earth. She and her technology teacher husband have three teenaged daughters, all of whom are looking towards their futures and have a strong interest in science. The family includes a fat fluffy cat and two cockatiels, as well as a flock of crazy chickens who rule the roost.
A long and varied administration-based career has included ten years at the Bay of Plenty Times where, as part of her role, Erin ran a bi-weekly column for children to write letters about their lives, school, heroes, issues of the day and aspirations. She is currently administrator in a parish office where a large part of her day is spent assisting the 40+ community groups who regularly meet in the churches complexes.
Outside of work Erin indulges in science in her own way with baking, cooking and gardening. She also spends a fair bit of time chicken wrangling.
Erin is excited to be a part of STEM Wana Trust and would love the annual STEM Festival to be a gateway for young people, in particular girls, to immerse themselves in the areas that it celebrates.